§ 15-23-303 - Definitions.
15-23-303. Definitions.
As used in this subchapter:
(1) "Arkansas Natural and Scenic Rivers System" means those rivers or sections thereof designated as natural and scenic rivers by act of the General Assembly;
(2) "Natural rivers" means those rivers or sections thereof that are generally free from man-made impoundments and may have primitive, undeveloped roads whose lands are essentially primitive, i.e., with a minimal amount of disturbance by people. The water shall have the use classification AA according to the 1976 Arkansas water quality inventory report by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality;
(3) "Pastoral rivers" means rivers or sections thereof which are readily accessible, have some housing or other development near their shorelines, have preexisting impoundments that do not substantially alter the character and quality of the stream, partially or predominantly flow through agricultural areas, and have the use classification B according to the 1976 Arkansas water quality inventory report by the department;
(4) (A) "River" or "stream" means a natural body of water having a natural channel with a discernible bed and banks, including springs, lakes, marshes, swamps, sloughs, and brakes through which it may flow.
(B) The flow of a stream may be intermittent and at such irregular intervals as is characteristic of stream water resources in the surrounding area; and
(5) (A) "Scenic rivers" means rivers or sections thereof that are largely free of impoundments.
(B) The scenic rivers' shorelines may have a moderate amount of human disturbance which does not substantially interfere with the public use or fish and wildlife, natural vegetation, or water quality of the river.