§ 15-23-105 - Eleven Point River.

15-23-105. Eleven Point River.

(a) The Eightieth General Assembly finds that the portion of Eleven Point River located in Randolph County, from its confluence with the Spring River at the Randolph County and Lawrence County line north upstream to the Missouri line, possesses unique and outstanding scenic, recreational, botanical, faunal, and other outdoor values of vital interest and present and potential benefit to the people of the State of Arkansas and the preservation of its unpolluted and natural state is essential for this and future generations.

(b) (1) In furtherance of the purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section, it shall be unlawful for any motorboat equipped with an engine greater than thirty horsepower (30 hp) at the propeller to operate or navigate on the Eleven Point River from its confluence with the Spring River at the Randolph County and Lawrence County line north upstream to the Missouri line.

(2) As used in this section, the term "motorboat" shall have the same meaning as the term is defined in 27-101-103(5).

(c) (1) Nothing in this section shall affect the jurisdictions or responsibilities of state agencies or political subdivisions of the State of Arkansas in the enforcement of laws with respect to water, fish, and wildlife and other related resources.

(2) This section is intended to be supplementary and in addition to all other Arkansas laws regulating the use of waterways, motorboats, and natural scenic rivers.