Subchapter 2 - Allocation and Use Generally
- § 15-22-201 - Declaration of policy.
- § 15-22-202 - Definitions.
- § 15-22-203 - Cumulative effect.
- § 15-22-204 - Penalties -- Enforcement.
- § 15-22-205 - Powers of commission regarding waters.
- § 15-22-206 - Procedure for making rules, regulations, and orders -- Meetings.
- § 15-22-207 - Administration of oath to witnesses.
- § 15-22-208 - Subpoenas -- Refusal to testify.
- § 15-22-209 - Appellate review.
- § 15-22-210 - Permits required for dam construction -- Conditions for issuance.
- § 15-22-211 - Permits -- Application.
- § 15-22-212 - Permits -- Notice of application -- Hearing.
- § 15-22-213 - Permits -- Modification or cancellation.
- § 15-22-214 - Exemptions.
- § 15-22-215 - Certificates of registration -- Water diversion -- Exceptions.
- § 15-22-216 - Right to take impounded water.
- § 15-22-217 - Allocation during shortages.
- § 15-22-218 - Right to acquire title and use water stored in a governmental reservoir.
- § 15-22-219 - Fees.
- § 15-22-220 - Continued water use study.
- § 15-22-221 - Delegation of allocation authority.
- § 15-22-222 - Minimum stream flows.
- § 15-22-223 - Protection of service areas.