Subchapter 11 - Safe Drinking Water Fund
- § 15-22-1101 - Definitions.
- § 15-22-1102 - Creation -- Terms and conditions for expenditures -- Special accounts.
- § 15-22-1103 - Administration of fund generally.
- § 15-22-1104 - Administration of set aside account.
- § 15-22-1105 - Authority to accept grants -- Deposit of funds received.
- § 15-22-1106 - Fees for services provided by commission.
- § 15-22-1107 - Collection of fees.
- § 15-22-1108 - Federal grants deposited into fund.
- § 15-22-1109 - Use of Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Account.
- § 15-22-1110 - Withholding general revenue turnback.
- § 15-22-1111 - Substitution of loans.
- § 15-22-1112 - Interest rates on loans.