§ 15-3-101 - Definitions.

15-3-101. Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(1) "Applied research" means any activity which seeks to utilize, synthesize, or apply existing knowledge, information, or resources to the resolution of a specified problem, question, or issue;

(2) "Authority" means the Arkansas Science and Technology Authority established by this chapter;

(3) "Basic research" means any original investigation for the advancement of scientific or technological knowledge;

(4) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Science and Technology Authority;

(5) "Construct" means to acquire or build, in whole or in part, in such manner and by such method, including contracting therefor, and if the latter, by negotiation or bidding upon such terms and pursuant to such advertising as the authority shall determine to be in the public interest and necessary, under the circumstances existing at the time, to accomplish the purposes of and authorities set forth in this chapter;

(6) "Endowment fund" means the Arkansas Science and Technology Authority Endowment Fund created by 15-3-118;

(7) "Enterprise" means a business with its principal place of business in Arkansas and which is or proposes to be engaged in this state in manufacturing, research, and development, or the provision of services involving a significant amount of technology;

(8) "Equip" means to install or place on or in any building or structure equipment of any and every kind, whether or not affixed, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, building service equipment, fixtures, heating equipment, air conditioning equipment, machinery, laboratories, scientific equipment, furniture, furnishings, and personal property of every kind;

(9) "Facilities" means any real property, personal property, or mixed property of any and every kind that can be used or that will be useful in securing or developing industry, including science and high-technology, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, rights-of-way, roads, streets, pipes, pipelines, reservoirs, utilities, materials, equipment, fixtures, machinery, furniture, furnishings, instrumentalities, and other real, personal, or mixed property of every kind;

(10) "Industry" shall include, but not be limited to, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution facilities, repair and maintenance facilities, agricultural facilities, and corporate management offices for industry;

(11) "Initial capitalization" means financing that is provided for the development, refinement, and commercialization of a product or process and other working capital needs;

(12) "Investment fund" means the fund created by 15-3-120;

(13) "Lease" means to lease for such rentals, for such period or periods, and upon such terms and conditions as the authority shall determine, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the granting of such renewal or extension options for such rentals, for such period or periods, and upon such terms and conditions as the authority shall determine, and the granting of such purchase options for such prices and upon such terms and conditions as the authority shall determine;

(14) "Qualified security" means any note, stock, treasury stock bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, preorganization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, certificate of deposit for a security, certificate of interest or participation in a patent or application therefor, or in royalty or other payments under such a patent or application or, in general, any interest or instrument commonly known as a "security" or any certificate for, receipt for, guarantee of, or option, warrant, or right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing, provided that in the valuation of "qualified security", no value shall be placed on in-kind services;

(15) "Scientific and technological project" means a project undertaken in Arkansas by an enterprise, which project the board shall have determined promotes the purposes of this chapter and otherwise benefits the state and its citizens;

(16) "Sell" means to sell for such price, in such manner, and upon such terms as the authority shall determine, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, private or public sale, and if public, pursuant to such advertisement as the authority shall determine, sell for cash or credit payable in lump sum or installments over such period as the authority shall determine, and if on credit, with or without interest and at such rate or rates as the authority shall determine; and

(17) "State" means the State of Arkansas.