§ 15-11-406 - Grants from Department of Parks and Tourism.

15-11-406. Grants from Department of Parks and Tourism.

(a) Upon approval of the State Parks, Recreation, and Travel Commission, the Department of Parks and Tourism is authorized to make grants from funds specifically appropriated for such purposes to regional tourist promotion agencies, to assist such agencies in the financing of promotional and advertising programs, and to encourage and stimulate tourist travel and vacation business within the region.

(b) However, before any such grant may be made:

(1) (A) The regional tourist promotion agency shall have made application to the commission or the department for such a grant and shall have set forth therein the promotion and advertising program and project proposed to be undertaken for the purpose of encouraging and stimulating the tourist travel and vacation business within the region.

(B) The application shall further state, under oath or affirmation, the amount of funds held by or committed or subscribed to the regional tourist promotion agency for application to the purposes described in this section and the amount of the grant for which application is made; and

(2) (A) If after review of the application the commission is satisfied that the program of the regional tourist promotion agency appears to be in accord with the purposes of this subchapter, the commission shall authorize the making of a matching grant to the regional tourist promotion agency equal to the funds of the agency allocated by it to the program described in the application.

(B) However, the state grant shall not exceed an amount equal to the total amount apportioned to the region as outlined in this subchapter.