§ 15-10-301 - Declaration of policy.

15-10-301. Declaration of policy.

(a) The State of Arkansas endorses the action of Congress in enacting the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to institute a program to encourage the widespread participation in the development and utilization of atomic energy for peaceful purposes to the maximum extent consistent with the common defense and security and with the health and safety of the public and therefore declares the policy of the state to be:

(1) To cooperate actively in the program thus instituted; and

(2) To the extent that the regulation of special nuclear materials and by-product materials, of production facilities and utilization facilities, and of persons operating such facilities may be within the jurisdiction of the state, to provide for the exercise of the state's regulatory authority so as to conform, as nearly as may be, to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and regulations issued thereunder, to the end that there may be, in effect, a single harmonious system of regulation within the state.

(b) The State of Arkansas recognizes that the development of industries producing or utilizing atomic energy may result in new conditions calling for changes in the laws of the state and in regulations issued thereunder with respect to health and safety; working conditions; workers' compensation; transportation; public utilities; life, health, accident, fire, and casualty insurance; the conservation of natural resources, including wildlife; and the protection of streams, rivers, and airspace from pollution, and therefore declares the policy of the state to be to:

(1) Adapt its laws and regulations to meet the new conditions in ways that will encourage the healthy development of industries or utilizing atomic energy while at the same time protecting the public interest;

(2) Initiate continuing studies of the need for changes in the relevant laws and regulations of the state by the respective departments and agencies of the state which are responsible for their administration; and

(3) Assure the coordination of the studies thus undertaken, particularly with other atomic industrial development activities of the state and with the development and regulatory activities of other states and of the United States Government.