§ 14-117-208 - Changing district boundaries.

14-117-208. Changing district boundaries.

(a) (1) The holder or holders of title representing in assessed value one-half (1/2) or more of any body of lands benefited or capable of being benefited by the works of a district may petition the chancery or circuit court which established the district to change the boundaries of the district to include that body of lands.

(2) Any owner of lands within the boundaries of a district may also petition the court to change the boundaries of the district to exclude such lands.

(b) The petition shall describe the boundaries of the parcel or tract of land owned by the petitioner or petitioners.

(c) The clerk shall give notice by publication for two (2) weeks in some newspaper published and having a general circulation in the county or counties within the district, calling upon all persons owning property within the district and, in the case of a proposed inclusion of lands, all persons owning property within the area proposed to be included to appear before the court on some day to be fixed by the court to show cause in favor of or against the inclusion or exclusion of lands of petitioners.

(d) If the court deems it to be to the best interest of the district that the lands be included or excluded from the district, it shall make an appropriate order upon its records changing the boundaries of the district.

(e) If the court finds that lands should be included in the district, the court shall make a finding and order as to an equitable amount to be paid by the petitioner or petitioners in lieu of the amount the petitioners or their grantors would have been required to pay to the district as assessments had the lands been included in the district at the time the district was originally formed. These amounts shall be divided into installments as the court may determine and shall be added to and be collected with any assessments subsequently levied against the assessment of benefits and shall be a part of the assessment of benefits.

(f) If the court finds that lands should be excluded from the district, the court shall make a finding and order as to the amount, if any, which shall be refunded by the district to any and all persons who have paid any assessment or assessments to the district.

(g) In making this determination, the court shall consider whether the parties have realized benefits from the organization and operation of the district, and the value of those benefits as determined by the court shall be deducted from the assessments paid in by the parties.

(h) No land excluded from the district shall be released from any obligation to pay any valid outstanding indebtedness of the district at the time of filing the petition for exclusion unless the holders of the indebtedness shall assent to the release of the lands from such obligation.

(i) All costs of the proceedings shall be assessed against the petitioners.

(j) Appeals from judgments of the court made pursuant to this section shall be taken by an aggrieved party in accordance with the provisions of 14-117-207.