§ 14-117-204 - Notice and hearing.

14-117-204. Notice and hearing.

(a) The chancery or circuit clerk shall give notice by publication for two (2) weeks in some newspaper published and having a general circulation in the county calling upon all persons owning property within the proposed district to appear before the court on some day to be fixed by the court to show cause in favor of or against the establishment of the district. If the court deems it to the best interest of the owners of real property within the proposed district that the district shall become a district under the terms of this chapter, it shall make an order upon its records establishing the property as a district subject to all the terms and provisions of this chapter.

(b) Any owner of real property within the territory of the proposed district may petition the court to exclude his property.

(c) If the court finds that the real property would not be benefited by the improvements of the proposed district, the court, in its order, shall exclude the real property of the petitioner or petitioners from the district. However, lands shall be excluded for irrigation purposes by the order of the court upon a showing that the land is supplied by adequate irrigation from surface sources or other sources existing at time of order creating the district and, provided further, that lands so excluded shall be subordinate to all lands within the irrigation district should water from the irrigation works be desired at a later date.