§ 14-88-301 - Appointment of commissioners.
14-88-301. Appointment of commissioners.
(a) (1) (A) (i) In the ordinance creating a municipal improvement district, the city or town council shall appoint three (3) owners of real property therein as commissioners, who shall compose a board of improvement for the district.
(ii) The number of commissioners for any improvement district created under this section may be increased by ordinance of the city or town council from three (3) to five (5) members.
(B) (i) (a) Beginning on and after July 1, 1999, in cities of the first class with a population of between sixty-one thousand five hundred (61,500) and sixty-two thousand (62,000) persons according to the 1990 federal decennial census, the commissioners serving at that time and any board of commissioners of new districts created after that date shall have terms of office of six (6) years and shall serve until their successors are duly selected and qualified.
(b) These terms of office shall begin January 1, 2000, for commissioners serving at that time or the January 1 next following the creation of the district.
(ii) For the initial terms, the commissioners shall select one (1) of their number to serve for two (2) years, one (1) to serve for four (4) years, and one (1) to serve for six (6) years.
(iii) The names and terms so selected shall be certified to the city clerk on or before January 1 of the applicable year.
(iv) (a) Before the end of a commissioner's term, the city council shall appoint an owner of real property in the district as a new commissioner.
(b) Except for persons having been removed as a commissioner, any person serving or having served as a commissioner may be reappointed, but need not necessarily be reappointed.
(2) In cities operating under a commission form of government, the mayor and city commissioners, by virtue of their offices, shall be commissioners of each improvement district and shall compose the board of improvement of each district.
(b) The ordinance may be in the following form:
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