§ 14-54-402 - Bidding process.

14-54-402. Bidding process.

(a) (1) The mayor, city manager, or city administrator shall publish a notice inviting sealed bids for the leasing, letting, selling, or conveying of real property for the production, reclamation, and refining of crude biogenic gases. This notice shall be published in a legal newspaper in the county where the property is located one (1) time each week for the four (4) weeks immediately prior to the date set for receiving bids.

(2) No bid shall be received, accepted, or considered when received after the date set for the receipt of bids.

(b) (1) Within thirty (30) days after the date set for the receipt of bids, the bids shall be opened and read at a public meeting of the city council, board of directors, commissioners, or managers.

(2) (A) At the meeting, the city council, board of directors, commissioners, or managers shall select and award the lease to the property or award the property to the highest, responsible, and best bidder.

(B) The city council, board of directors, commissioners, or managers may reject all bids and begin the bidding process anew.