§ 14-54-1604 - Municipal regulation of manufactured homes.

14-54-1604. Municipal regulation of manufactured homes.

(a) (1) Municipalities that have zoning ordinances shall allow the placement of manufactured homes on individually owned lots in at least one (1) or more residential districts or zones within the municipality.

(2) Municipalities shall not establish or continue in effect any ordinance or regulation that restricts the placement of manufactured homes only in mobile home parks, subdivisions, or land-lease communities.

(b) Municipalities may establish reasonable regulations or conditions for the placement of manufactured homes within the jurisdiction, including, but not limited to:

(1) Perimeter foundation enclosures;

(2) Connection to utilities;

(3) Building setbacks;

(4) Side or rear yard offsets;

(5) Off-street parking;

(6) Construction of carports, garages, and other outbuildings;

(7) Entries and exits, porches, decks, and stairs; and

(8) Other regulations or conditions that are applicable to other single-family dwellings in the same residential district or zone.

(c) Municipalities shall not impose regulations or conditions on manufactured homes that prohibit the placement of manufactured homes or that are inconsistent with the regulations or conditions imposed on other single-family dwellings permitted in the same residential district or zone.