§ 14-37-103 - Population limits.

14-37-103. Population limits.

(a) (1) All municipal corporations having over two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the first class.

(2) All cities having five hundred (500) inhabitants or more and fewer than two thousand five hundred (2,500) inhabitants shall be deemed cities of the second class.

(3) All others shall be incorporated towns and shall be governed by the provisions of this subtitle.

(b) (1) Any incorporated towns of fewer than five hundred (500) inhabitants who have voted to be a city of the second class under 14-37-112 shall continue to be a city of the second class.

(2) Any city having a population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or more may, upon the enactment of an ordinance therefor, become a city of the first class, with all powers, authority, and responsibility of other cities of the first class.