§ 14-236-103 - Definitions.
14-236-103. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Community sewage system" means any system, whether publicly or privately owned, serving two (2) or more individual lots, for the collection and disposal of sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature, including various devices for the treatment of the sewage or industrial wastes;
(2) "Department" means the Division of Environmental Health Protection of the Department of Health;
(3) "Homeowner" means a person who owns and occupies a building as his home;
(4) "Industrial wastes" means liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industrial and commercial establishments;
(5) "Individual sewage disposal system" means a single system of treatment tanks, disposal facilities, or both, used for the treatment of domestic sewage, exclusive of industrial wastes, serving only a single dwelling, office building, or industrial plant or institution;
(6) "Installer" means any person, firm, corporation, association, municipality, or governmental agency who for compensation constructs, installs, alters, or repairs individual sewage disposal systems for others;
(7) "Municipality" means a city, town, county, district, or other public body created by or pursuant to state law, or any combination thereof acting cooperatively or jointly;
(8) "Person" means any institution, public or private corporation, individual, partnership, or other entity;
(9) "Potable water" means water free from impurities in an amount sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects, with the bacteriological and chemical quality conforming to applicable standards of the State Board of Health;
(10) "Property owners association" means an association created by and pursuant to state law and organized for the purpose of maintaining common facilities, including sewage disposal facilities in unincorporated subdivisions;
(11) "Domestic sewage" means all wastes discharging from sanitary conveniences and plumbing fixtures of a domestic nature, exclusive of industrial and commercial wastes;
(12) "Subdivision" means land divided or proposed to be divided for predominantly residential purposes into such parcels as required by local ordinances or, in the absence of local ordinances, the term "subdivision" means any land which is divided or proposed to be divided by a common owner or owners for predominantly residential purposes into three (3) or more lots or parcels, any of which contain less than three (3) acres, or into platted or unplatted units any of which contain less than three (3) acres, as a part of a uniform plan of development;
(13) "Authorized agent" means the sanitarian assigned to the county or local area by the Division of Environmental Health Protection of the Department of Health;
(14) "Designated representative" means a person designated by the authorized agent to make percolation tests, system designs, and inspections subject to the authorized agent's final approval. Designated representatives shall be registered professional engineers, registered land surveyors, licensed master plumbers, registered sanitarians, or other similarly qualified individuals holding current certificates from the State of Arkansas, and shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authorized agent prior to their designation as a designated representative their competency to make percolation tests, designs, and final inspections for individual sewage disposal systems in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter;
(15) "Alternate and experimental system" means a nonstandard individual sewage disposal system or treatment system which is classified as experimental in order to evaluate its potential effectiveness;
(16) "Septic tank manufacturer" means a person, firm, corporation, or association who manufactures septic tanks, package treatment plants, or other components for individual sewage disposal or treatment systems; and
(17) "Certified maintenance person" means an individual registered by the Department of Health to conduct assessments under this chapter.