Subchapter 4 - Local Government Capital Improvement Revenue Bond Act
- § 14-164-401 - Title.
- § 14-164-402 - Definitions.
- § 14-164-403 - Construction.
- § 14-164-404 - Subchapter supplemental.
- § 14-164-405 - Bonds -- Issuance generally.
- § 14-164-406 - Bonds -- Terms and conditions.
- § 14-164-407 - Bonds -- Trust indenture.
- § 14-164-408 - Bonds -- Contents.
- § 14-164-409 - Bonds -- Sale.
- § 14-164-410 - Bonds -- Execution.
- § 14-164-411 - Bonds -- Payment -- Security.
- § 14-164-412 - Bonds -- Mortgage lien.
- § 14-164-413 - Bonds -- Special obligations.
- § 14-164-414 - Bonds -- Liability of legislative body's officers, employees, or members.
- § 14-164-415 - Bonds -- Successive issues.
- § 14-164-416 - Bonds -- Tax exemption.
- § 14-164-417 - Alternative financing.
- § 14-164-418 - Refunding bonds.
- § 14-164-419 - Contract requirements.