Subchapter 2 - State Mine Inspector
- § 11-7-201 - Act cumulative.
- § 11-7-202 - Penalties.
- § 11-7-203 - Prosecution of violations.
- § 11-7-204 - Appointment, term, and qualifications.
- § 11-7-205 - Office, staff, and compensation.
- § 11-7-206 - State Mine Inspector -- Powers and duties.
- § 11-7-207 - Assistant State Mine Inspector.
- § 11-7-208 - Inspection of mines.
- § 11-7-209 - Owner, agent, or operator to facilitate inspections -- Failure to comply.
- § 11-7-210 - Action to enjoin unsafe working conditions.
- § 11-7-211 - Authority to arrest violators or clear mine -- Injunctive relief for owner.