§ 11-11-101 - Recruitment of labor by foreign labor agents.
11-11-101. Recruitment of labor by foreign labor agents.
(a) No foreign labor agent, labor bureau or employment agency, or any other person shall enter this state and attempt to hire, induce, or take from this state any labor, singularly or in groups, for any purpose, whether or not a fee or charge is extracted from the worker, without first applying to the Director of the Department of Labor for a license to do so and filing with the director:
(1) A statement as to where the labor is to be taken, for what purpose, for what length of time, and whether transportation is to be paid to and from the destination, if temporary;
(2) A statement of the financial standing of the employer desiring the labor;
(3) An affidavit of authority to represent the employer in this state; and
(4) Whatever other information the director may require.
(b) (1) The director shall determine whether the person desiring the labor from this state is a labor agent, labor bureau, or employment agency and, if so, whether the applicant is qualified to be licensed under the laws of this state and according to the provisions of this section.
(2) The director, after the investigation, may refuse to license or register the applicant until the applicant has complied with the provisions of this section.
(3) The applicant shall, in the event of unfavorable action by the director, have the right of appeal to the proper court.
(c) This section is cumulative to all existing laws affecting the hiring or employment of labor.