9-220. Taxing power The board of trustees may levy upon the taxable property within the corporation a general tax not exceeding three quarters of one per cent in any one year of its assessed valuation, for the following purposes: 1. Paying the expenses of disincorporation and incorporation of the corporation. 2. Lighting the streets and the public buildings of the corporation. 3. Constructing and maintaining public water wells, cisterns or other reservoirs, and procuring necessary fixtures therefor. 4. Procuring ground for erecting necessary pounds and buildings and fences thereon, upon a petition of at least twenty-five taxpayers of the corporation. 5. Purchasing, fencing and improving grounds necessary for cemetery and burial places. 6. Laying out, opening, improving, making and maintaining highways, streets, lanes, alleys and bridges in the corporation, and making and maintaining sidewalks and crosswalks. 7. Purchasing land and erecting and maintaining buildings thereon, where none exist in the corporation, for use of the corporation. 8. Creating and maintaining a fire department. 9. Paying the incidental expenses of the corporation and compensation of its officers. |