9-204. Officers in cities and towns of six hundred to eight hundred fifty voters; terms of office; elections; removal A. In all cities or towns not organized under article 2, 3 or 4 of this chapter, in which at the next preceding municipal election not more than eight hundred fifty nor less than six hundred votes were cast, the only officers shall be a mayor, four councilmen, a chief of police, a recorder who shall also be ex officio city auditor and police judge, and a treasurer. B. The term of office of each officer, except councilmen, shall be two years. Each councilman shall hold office for a term of four years. The recorder shall be elected as other city or town officers. C. Elections shall be held on the third Tuesday in May of each odd-numbered year at which all officers whose terms have then expired shall be elected. D. The mayor and common council may remove an officer for malfeasance in office. |