8-1181. Early childhood development and health fund
(Caution: 1998 Prop. 105 applies) A. The early childhood development and health fund is established consisting of funds transferred pursuant to subsection D; federal, state, local and private funds accepted by the board pursuant to 8-1182; and any monies appropriated to the board by the legislature. The board shall administer the fund. B. The early childhood development and health fund is divided into the following accounts: the program account, the administrative costs account, the private gifts account, the grant monies account and the legislative appropriations account. C. Monies in the program, administrative costs, private gifts and grant monies accounts of the fund are not subject to legislative appropriation and are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations. D. Ninety percent of the monies deposited into the early childhood development and health fund pursuant to section 42-3373 shall be deposited into the program account and ten percent of the monies shall be deposited into the administrative costs account. Administrative costs of the board, including staff compensation, may only be paid from the administrative costs account. Funds may be transferred by the board from the administrative costs account to the program account, but funds may not be transferred from the program account to the administrative costs account. Funds may be transferred by the board from the private gifts account and the grant monies account to the administrative costs account to cover the administrative costs of programs and activities undertaken using gift or grant monies. E. The board may invest any unexpended monies in the fund as provided in title 35, chapter 2. Interest and other income from investments of monies in any account shall be credited to that account except as otherwise provided by law. |