48-4852. Limitation on powers This chapter shall not be construed to modify, alter or change the functions, powers, duties, rights and liabilities prescribed under title 45, chapters 1, 2 and 3. This chapter does not authorize the district to: 1. Engage in the retail distribution of water within the service area of a city, town, water company or irrigation district without the written authorization of the city, town, water company or irrigation district. 2. Regulate the acquisition, use or disposal of water or rights to water except as specifically provided by this chapter or pursuant to contractual agreements that are consistent with this chapter. 3. Sell, resell, deliver or distribute electricity or other forms of energy to others. 4. Acquire any water except: (a) Water from within the Tucson active management area. (b) Effluent. (c) Central Arizona project water. (d) Central Arizona project water from Indian tribes. (e) Colorado river water having a priority earlier than September 30, 1968 from an irrigation district having an entitlement to such water, but only with the consent of the irrigation district and upon such terms as the irrigation district may specify. 5. Acquire electrical power and energy that is sold, offered for sale or otherwise disposed of pursuant to title 30, chapter 1 or title 45, chapter 10. |