48-3188. Examination of engineer's report by state certification board; authority of board A. The state certification board shall, immediately upon receipt of the engineer's report filed under the provisions of section 48-3182, paragraph 4, examine the report and make such additional examination at the expense of the district as it deems proper. As soon as practicable thereafter the state certification board shall make a report to the board of directors of the district in which it shall state generally its conclusions regarding: 1. The supply of water available for the project. 2. The nature of the soil proposed to be irrigated and its susceptibility to irrigation. 3. The probable amount of water needed for irrigation of such lands and the probable need for drainage. 4. The probable cost of the works, water rights and other property necessary for the project. 5. The appropriate dates of maturity for the bonds proposed to be issued for the project and whether in its opinion it is advisable to proceed with the proposed bond issue. B. If the state certification board determines that the plans as adopted by the board of directors should be modified, or that the amount of bonds proposed to be issued should be changed, or that in its opinion it is not advisable to proceed with the proposed bond issue, it shall so state in its report to the board of directors. The report of the state certification board shall be made to the board of directors as soon as practicable, and within ninety days after receipt of the estimate of the board of directors. |