46-321. Fingerprinting; affidavit A. Sponsors, except military bases and federally recognized Indian tribes, receiving federal child care food program monies from the department of education shall register with the department of education in order to receive those monies, unless they are public schools, child care facilities licensed by the department of health services or child care homes certified by the department of economic security. B. Sponsors, except military bases and federally recognized Indian tribes, receiving federal child care food program monies as provided in subsection A of this section shall require all child care providers to submit the form prescribed in subsection F of this section to the department of education and to have valid fingerprint clearance cards issued pursuant to title 41, chapter 12, article 3.1 or to apply for a fingerprint clearance card within seven working days of employment before they receive any of those monies. C. Sponsors that are federally recognized Indian tribes or military bases may submit and the department shall accept certifications that state that any child care personnel who is employed or who will be employed during the contract term has not been convicted of, has not admitted to or is not awaiting trial on any of the offenses listed in subsection F of this section or is not the parent or guardian of a child adjudicated to be a dependent child as defined in section 8-201 or the parent or guardian of a child adjudicated a dependent child under similar provisions in another state or jurisdiction. D. Sponsors that are federally recognized Indian tribes or military bases may submit and the department shall accept certifications that state that good faith efforts have been made to contact previous employers of tribal and military child care personnel. E. The department of education shall charge sponsors receiving federal child care food program monies as provided in subsection A of this section for the costs of their fingerprint checks. F. Sponsors receiving federal child care food program monies as provided in subsection A of this section shall require all child care personnel to certify on forms that are provided by the department of education and notarized that: 1. They are not awaiting trial on and have never been convicted of or admitted committing any of the following criminal offenses in this state or similar offenses in another state or jurisdiction: (a) Sexual abuse of a minor. (b) Incest. (c) First or second degree murder. (d) Kidnapping. (e) Arson. (f) Sexual assault. (g) Sexual exploitation of a minor. (h) Felony offenses involving contributing to the delinquency of a minor. (i) Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor. (j) Felony offenses involving sale, distribution or transportation of, offer to sell, transport or distribute or conspiracy to sell, transport or distribute marijuana, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs. (k) Felony offenses involving the possession or use of marijuana, dangerous drugs or narcotic drugs. (l) Burglary. (m) Aggravated or armed robbery. (n) Robbery. (o) A dangerous crime against children as defined in section 13-705. (p) Child abuse. (q) Sexual conduct with a minor. (r) Molestation of a child. (s) Manslaughter. (t) Assault or aggravated assault. (u) Exploitation of minors involving drug offenses. (v) A violation of section 28-1381, 28-1382 or 28-1383. (w) Offenses involving domestic violence. 2. They are not parents or guardians of a child adjudicated to be a dependent child as defined in section 8-201. 3. They have not been denied a license to operate a facility for the care of children for cause in this state or another state or had a license or certificate to operate such a facility revoked. G. Sponsors shall make documented, good faith efforts to contact previous employers of child care personnel who receive federal child care food program monies as provided in subsection A of this section to obtain information or recommendations that may be relevant to an individual's fitness for child care. H. The notarized forms are confidential. I. The state board of education shall notify the department of public safety if the state board of education receives credible evidence that any child care provider who possesses a valid fingerprint clearance card either: 1. Is arrested for or charged with an offense listed in section 41-1758.03, subsection B. 2. Falsified information on the form required by subsection F of this section. |