46-184. Advisory council duties A. The advisory council shall advise all state departments which the council deems necessary on all matters and issues relating to aging, including administration of the state plan on aging. In performing this function, the council shall not be limited to provisions of the older Americans act of 1965. B. Each year the council shall submit a written report of its recommendations regarding the state plan on aging to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. C. The council shall convene in formal meeting at the call of the chairman, but in no case less than four times each fiscal year. A quorum shall consist of no less than nine members present. Recommendations to the department, the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives by the council shall be represented by a simple majority vote of members present of a quorum in formal meeting. Minority opinions with respect to any council recommendation may be formally submitted in writing to the department, the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives through the chairman of the council. D. The subcommittee on Alzheimer's disease and related disorders appointed pursuant to section 46-183 shall collect new data from long-term care providers, families and victims of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders and prepare new or revised recommendations based on this information. |