45-478. Notice of requirement to apply for certificate of grandfathered right A. Within ninety days of the date of the designation of an active management area, the director shall give notice of the requirement to apply for a certificate of grandfathered right to the clerk of the board of supervisors of the county or counties in which the active management area is located and to the mayor of each city or town, to each private water company and to the presiding officer of each political subdivision established pursuant to title 48, chapter 17, 18, 19 or 20 located in the active management area. B. The director shall mail by January 1, following the date of the designation of the active management area, a copy of a written notice of the requirement to apply for a certificate of grandfathered right to each owner of real property within the active management area listed on the tax rolls of the county, except owners of real property located in vacant subdivisions or located within the service areas of cities, towns and private water companies, along with a declaration that it is the duty of the recipient to forward the notice to the beneficial owner of the property. The notice shall include a statement that a person who fails to apply for a certificate of grandfathered right within an active management area waives and relinquishes any right to withdraw or receive and use groundwater pursuant to a grandfathered right. C. The director shall also notify owners of real property located within service areas of cities, towns and private water companies and irrigation districts who utilize their own well, according to the registration of the well pursuant to article 10 of this chapter. The director may extend for a reasonable time the deadline for applications under this subsection. D. The director may also give written notice in any other manner which will carry out the purposes of this section. E. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Santa Cruz active management area. |