45-403. Designation of groundwater basins and sub-basins; hearing A. Within eighteen months of the effective date of this section, the director shall propose boundaries for all groundwater basins and sub-basins of groundwater basins in this state not included within initial active management areas established pursuant to section 45-411. B. Within twenty-four months of the effective date of this section, the director shall hold public hearings to consider the final boundaries of groundwater basins and sub-basins in this state not included within initial active management areas established pursuant to section 45-411. The director shall give reasonable notice of the hearing appropriate to the circumstances which shall include the publication once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in each county in which the proposed groundwater basin is located. Any notice shall contain the time and place of the hearing, the legal description and a map clearly identifying and describing all lands to be included in the proposed groundwater basin and any sub-basin and any other information the director deems necessary. C. The hearings shall be held at the county seat of the county in which the major portion of the land in the proposed groundwater basin is located as soon as practicable but no less than thirty days and no more than sixty days after the first publication of the notice of the hearing. At the hearing, the director shall present the factual data in his possession in support of the proposed action. Any person may appear at the hearing, either in person or by representative, and submit oral or documentary evidence for or against the proposed action. In making his determination, the director shall give full consideration to public comment and to recommendations made by local political subdivisions. |