44-1460. Registration of trade name, title or designation A. Any person, partnership, corporation, firm, association, society, foundation, federation or organization doing business in this state, or any foreign corporation licensed to exercise its corporate powers in this state, may register with the secretary of state, on a form to be furnished by him, the name, title or designation under which such applicant is operating, setting forth, but not limited to, the following information: 1. The name and business address of the applicant for such registration. If the applicant is a corporation, the state of its incorporation shall be disclosed. 2. The name, title or designation to be registered. 3. The general nature of the business conducted by the applicant. 4. The length of time during which the name, title or designation has been used by the applicant in his business operations in this state. B. The applicant or a member or officer of the firm, partnership, corporation, association, society, foundation, federation or other organization shall sign and verify the application. C. A single name, title or designation may be registered upon each application submitted under the provisions of this article. |