42-11102. Exemption for government property; application of procedural provisions A. Federal, state, county and municipal property is exempt from taxation, including: 1. Property that is owned by a nonprofit organization but is used by this state or a political subdivision during the entire tax year exclusively for a governmental activity. 2. Property that is the subject of a lease-purchase agreement that is authorized by law and in which this state or a political subdivision is the lessee-purchaser and the property is used by this state or a political subdivision during the entire taxable year exclusively for a governmental activity. 3. Improvements that are placed on public lands held under grazing permits, the title to which passes to the federal government. B. Article 4 of this chapter does not apply to the exemption from taxation for federal, state, county and municipal property. C. Notwithstanding subsection A relating to state property, property that is owned by the Arizona state retirement system, the corrections officer retirement plan, the public safety personnel retirement system or the elected officials' retirement plan, that is not used during the entire taxable year exclusively for a governmental activity and that is acquired either by foreclosure of an authorized investment or for the purposes of producing income for the system or plan is subject to either a government property lease tax under chapter 6, article 5 of this title or, if a government property lease tax is not paid or is not economically feasible, to voluntary contributions of money to the county, municipality, school district and community college district and any other special taxing district in which the property is located in lieu of taxes otherwise levied by those entities. The system or plan may not continue to hold title to the property as an authorized investment under title 38 unless a tax or voluntary contribution is paid pursuant to this subsection. On or before April 1 of each year the plan or system shall notify the county assessor of the county in which the property is located whether a government property lease tax or voluntary contribution will be paid. If a tax is not economically feasible, the county assessor may require the plan or system to pay voluntary contributions. If the system or plan pays a voluntary contribution: 1. The assessor shall determine the full cash value of the property at market value and shall transmit that determination to the board of supervisors on or before the third Monday in June. 2. On or before the third Friday in September the assessor shall compute the contribution to be made based on the determined valuation using the method of assessment applied in assessing ad valorem taxes of properties of similar character and devoted to the same use in the county for the current tax year. 3. The assessor shall: (a) Submit the computation of the contribution to the board of supervisors at the same time that the assessor submits the assessment roll. (b) Notify the county school superintendent of the amount of the contribution. 4. The plan or system shall pay one-half of the amount determined not later than the first Monday in November and the other one-half not later than the first Monday in May of the next year. 5. The county treasurer shall distribute the monies received to the various taxing jurisdictions in the same manner as property taxes are distributed. 6. Any person, public official or taxing entity that is not satisfied by a determination under this subsection has the same remedies provided by this title or may file a civil action to determine the correct amount due. In any such action the only issue shall be the correctness of the computation of the amount due. |