41-3802. Human rights committee on children, youth and families A. The human rights committee on children, youth and families is established in the department of economic security to promote the rights of persons who receive services from the division of children, youth and families in the department. B. Notwithstanding section 8-807, the department shall disclose confidential information and records to the committee established pursuant to this section or designated pursuant to subsection C, subject to the requirements of section 41-3804 and applicable federal law. C. The director of the department of economic security may designate a citizen review panel, multidisciplinary case consultation team or other oversight entity as the human rights committee on children, youth and families if the panel or entity meets the requirements of this section. D. The committee shall be organized pursuant to this section and the requirements of section 41-3804. E. The director of the department of economic security may establish additional committees for each district office established pursuant to section 41-1961 or to oversee the activities of any service provider. F. Each human rights committee established pursuant to this section shall consist of at least seven and not more than fifteen members appointed by the director of the department of economic security with expertise in at least one of the following areas: 1. Psychology. 2. Law. 3. Medicine. 4. Education. 5. Special education. 6. Social work. G. Each human rights committee shall include at least two parents of children who receive services from the division of children, youth and families. If a report of abuse has been substantiated against a parent, that parent shall not serve on a human rights committee. |