
38-737. Employer contributions

A. Employer contributions shall be a percentage of compensation of all employees of the employers, excluding the compensation of those employees who are members of the defined contribution program administered by ASRS, as determined by the ASRS actuary pursuant to this section for June 30 of the fiscal year immediately preceding the preceding fiscal year, except that beginning with fiscal year 2001-2002 the contribution rate shall not be less than two per cent of compensation of all employees of the employers. The total employer contribution shall be determined on the projected unit credit method. The total employer contributions shall be equal to the employer normal cost plus the amount required to amortize the past service funding requirement over a rolling thirty-year period.

B. All contributions made by the employer and allocated to the fund established by section 38-712 are irrevocable and shall be used as benefits under this article or to pay expenses of ASRS.

C. The required employer contributions shall be determined on an annual basis by an actuary who is selected by the board and who is a fellow of the society of actuaries. ASRS shall provide a preliminary report by November 1 and a final report by December 15 of each fiscal year to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate on the contribution rate for the ensuing fiscal year.