36-693. Blood tests required; pregnant women; umbilical cord at delivery; definition A. A physician shall at the time of the first prenatal examination, after a diagnosis of pregnancy, take or cause to be taken a sample of the blood of the woman and submit it to an approved laboratory for a standard serological test for syphilis. If the woman has not had a serological test prior to delivery, a sample of blood from the umbilical cord shall be taken at delivery for examination. B. Any other person permitted by law to attend pregnant women but not permitted to take blood samples shall cause a sample of the blood of each pregnant woman attended by him to be taken under the direction of a duly licensed physician of medicine and surgery as required by subsection A. The physician shall have the sample submitted to an approved laboratory for a standard serological test for syphilis. C. For the purpose of this section "standard serological test" means a test for syphilis approved by the director and made at a laboratory approved by the director to make such tests. A laboratory test required by this section shall be made by the state laboratory without charge. |