36-531. Evaluation; possible dispositions; release A. A person being evaluated on an inpatient basis in an evaluation agency shall be released if, in the opinion of the medical director of the agency, further evaluation is not appropriate unless the person makes application for further care and treatment on a voluntary basis. B. If it is determined upon an evaluation of the patient's condition that he is, as a result of a mental disorder, a danger to self or to others, is persistently or acutely disabled or is gravely disabled, the medical director in charge of the agency which provided the evaluation shall, unless the person makes application for further care and treatment on a voluntary basis, prepare, sign and file a petition for court-ordered treatment unless the county attorney performs the functions of preparing, signing or filing the petition as provided in subsection C of this section. C. The agency may contact the county attorney to obtain his assistance in preparing the petition for court-ordered treatment, and the agency may request the advice and judgment of the county attorney in reaching a decision as to whether court-ordered treatment is justified. D. A person being evaluated on an inpatient basis in an evaluation agency shall be released within seventy-two hours, excluding weekends and holidays, from the time that he is hospitalized pursuant to a court order for evaluation, unless the person makes application for further care and treatment on a voluntary basis or unless a petition for court-ordered treatment has been filed pursuant to subsection B of this section. E. The department of health services may conduct jointly with a school district, directly or indirectly, an educational evaluation pursuant to sections 15-765 and 15-766 for nonadjudicated youth. The evaluation information may be shared by and among authorized personnel employed by the department of health services and the department of education, or authorized personnel from the local education agency, for purposes of ensuring the provision of special education and related services as required by the individuals with disabilities education act (20 United States Code sections 1400 through 1415). |