32-2065. Board of psychologist examiners fund; account A. The board of psychologist examiners fund is established. B. Except as provided in section 32-2081 and section 32-2091.09, subsection J, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, the board shall deposit ten per cent of all monies collected pursuant to this chapter in the state general fund and deposit the remaining ninety per cent in the board of psychologist examiners fund. C. All monies deposited in the board of psychologist examiners fund are subject to section 35-143.01. D. All monies deposited in the board of psychologist examiners fund pursuant to 32-2067 and any monies received pursuant to section 32-2063, subsection C for psychologist licensing and regulation must be used only for the licensing and regulation of psychologists pursuant to this article and articles 2 and 3 of this chapter and may not be used for the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts pursuant to article 4 of this chapter. E. All monies deposited in the board of psychologist examiners fund pursuant to article 4 of this chapter and any monies received pursuant to section 32-2063, subsection C for behavior analyst licensing and regulation must be used only for the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts pursuant to article 4 of this chapter and may not be used for the licensing and regulation of psychologists pursuant to this article and articles 2 and 3 of this chapter. F. The board shall establish a separate account in the fund for monies transferred to the fund pursuant to article 4 of this chapter and any monies received pursuant to section 32-2063, subsection C for behavior analyst licensing and regulation. |