32-1922. Qualifications of applicant; reciprocity; preliminary equivalency examination; honorary certificate; fee A. An applicant for licensure as a pharmacist shall: 1. Be of good moral character. 2. Be a graduate of a school or college of pharmacy or department of pharmacy of a university recognized by the board or qualify under subsection D of this section. 3. Have successfully completed, as substantiated by proper affidavits, a program of practical experience under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist approved by the board. 4. Pass the pharmacist licensure examination and jurisprudence examination approved by the board. An applicant who fails an examination three times shall petition the board for permission before retaking the examination. The board shall evaluate the petition and determine whether to require additional educational training before approving each additional retake of the examination. 5. Pay an application fee prescribed by the board of not more than five hundred dollars. An applicant for reciprocal licensure shall pay the fee prescribed in section 32-1924, subsection D. B. The board may license as a pharmacist, without a pharmacist licensure examination, a person who is licensed as a pharmacist by a pharmacist licensure examination in some other jurisdiction if that person: 1. Produces satisfactory evidence to the board of having had the required secondary and professional education and training. 2. Is possessed of good morals as demanded of applicants for licensure and relicensure under this chapter. 3. Presents proof to the board's satisfaction of initial licensure by a pharmacist licensure examination substantially equivalent to the pharmacist licensure examination required by the board and that the applicant holds the license in good standing. 4. Presents proof to the board's satisfaction that any other license granted to the applicant by any other jurisdiction has not been suspended, revoked or otherwise restricted for any reason except nonrenewal or for failure to obtain the required continuing education credits in any jurisdiction where the applicant is currently licensed but not engaged in the practice of pharmacy. 5. Passes a board approved jurisprudence examination. C. Subsection B of this section applies only if the jurisdiction in which the person is licensed grants, under like conditions, reciprocal licensure as a pharmacist to a pharmacist licensed by examination in this state. D. If an applicant for licensure is a graduate of a pharmacy degree program at a school or college of pharmacy that was not recognized by the board at the time of the person's graduation, the applicant shall pass a preliminary equivalency examination approved by the board in order to qualify to take the examinations prescribed in subsection A of this section. E. The preliminary equivalency examination required pursuant to subsection D of this section shall cover proficiency in English and academic areas the board deems essential to a satisfactory pharmacy curriculum. F. An applicant who fails the preliminary equivalency examination required pursuant to subsection D of this section shall not retake the preliminary equivalency examination until the applicant files written proof with the board that the applicant has completed additional remedial academic work previously approved by the board to correct deficiencies in the applicant's education that were indicated by the results of the applicant's last preliminary equivalency examination. G. A pharmacist who has been licensed in this state for at least fifty years shall be granted an honorary certificate of licensure by the board without the payment of the usual renewal fee, but that certificate of licensure does not confer an exemption from any other requirement of this chapter. H. The board may require a pharmacist who has not been actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy for over one year to serve not more than four hundred hours in an internship training program approved by the board or its designee before the pharmacist may resume the active practice of pharmacy. I. An applicant must complete the application process within twelve months after submitting the application. |