32-1821. Persons and acts not affected by chapter This chapter does not prevent: 1. A duly licensed physician and surgeon of any other state, district or territory from meeting a person licensed pursuant to this chapter within this state for consultation or, pursuant to an invitation by a sponsor, visiting this state for the sole purpose of promoting professional education through lectures, clinics or demonstrations as long as the visiting physician does not open an office, designate a place to meet patients or receive calls relating to the practice of medicine outside of the facilities and programs of the sponsor. 2. The practice of any other method, system or science of healing by a person duly licensed pursuant to the laws of this state. 3. The practice by physicians and surgeons discharging their duties while members of the armed forces of the United States or other federal agencies. 4. Any act, task or function performed by a physician assistant or registered nurse practitioner in the proper discharge of that person's duties. 5. A person administering a lawful domestic or family remedy to a member of that person's immediate family. 6. Providing medical assistance in case of an emergency. 7. The emergency harvesting of donor organs. |