3-344. Advisory committee; membership; appointment; duties; uniformity of labeling and standards of pesticides A. The director may appoint an advisory committee as needed to assist and advise the director and associate director in adopting technical rules. The director shall designate the chairman. Meetings of the committee shall be held upon call of the associate director or director. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses of travel and subsistence incurred in the performance of their duties which shall be paid from and limited by the pesticide fund. B. In order to avoid confusion endangering the public health, which would result from diverse requirements, particularly as to the labeling and coloring of pesticides, and to avoid increased costs to the public due to the necessity of complying with such diverse requirements in the manufacture and sale of such pesticides, it is desirable that there should be uniformity between the requirements of the several states and the federal government relating to such pesticides. To this end, the director may after a hearing adopt rules applicable to and in conformity with primary standards established by this article as have been or may be prescribed by federal agencies with respect to pesticides. |