3-218. Citrus budwood certification; fee A. The director may direct a state citrus budwood certification program. Under the program, inspectors may: 1. Monitor the fumigation of blocks of citrus trees. 2. Monitor the transplanting of seedlings from the seed bed. 3. Monitor the cutting of budwood from mother blocks or other certified blocks within a twenty-four hour period. 4. Tag certified citrus trees with certified tags. 5. Map blocks in a certified nursery. 6. Audit records that are kept by the nursery and by private inspection associations. B. The director may assess a fee of not more than ten cents per budwood to cover the costs of implementing the citrus budwood certification program. The director shall establish the amount of the fee by rule pursuant to a cooperative agreement among the department, private inspection associations and the university of Arizona, Yuma Mesa agricultural center. The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, revenues collected from the fee in the dangerous plants, pests and diseases fund established by section 3-214.01. |