28-9123. Survey of public transportation needs A. The board shall conduct a periodic survey of public transportation needs in the authority and determine an appropriate public transportation system to meet those needs and the means to finance the system. The board shall consider whether to operate the system directly or to contract with outside parties for the operation of all or part of the system. B. Each year the board shall produce a five year public transportation program that is consistent with the regional transportation plan approved by the regional council of governments. The five year program shall: 1. Contain public transportation projects financed with monies from federal, state and local funding. 2. Contain a description of each project, including a schedule of expenditures and a source of funding for each project. 3. Identify the entity that is responsible for implementing each project or phase of the public transportation program. 4. Define and identify regional public transportation corridors. 5. Define the public transportation problems, goals and needs for each corridor and policies and priorities for meeting those goals and needs. 6. Determine a mix of public transportation modes appropriate for development in light of the public transportation goals and needs for each corridor. 7. Locate routes and access points to the public transportation systems. 8. Determine the ridership capacity and use of public transportation systems. C. The five year public transportation program shall include, in addition to the appropriate items prescribed in subsection B of this section, the following items presented on an individual fiscal year basis: 1. The capital and operating costs of the public transportation system. 2. The revenue needed by source, according to section 28-9142, to fund the public transportation system. |