28-5107. Application denial; hearing; appeal A. The director shall deny an application for third party authorization or certification, or both, under this article and shall advise the applicant in writing within twenty days of the denial and the grounds for the denial if the director determines from the information revealed in the criminal history check pursuant to section 28-5105 any of the following: 1. That the applicant is not eligible for third party authorization or certification, or both, under this article. 2. That the application is not made in good faith. 3. That the application contains a material misrepresentation or misstatement. 4. That the applicant has not met the requirements of law. B. An applicant who is aggrieved by the denial of an application may make a written request to the department for a hearing on the application within thirty days after service of the notice of denial. If the applicant does not request a hearing within thirty days, the denial is final. C. If the applicant requests a hearing, the director shall give written notice to the applicant to appear at a hearing to show cause why the denial of the applicant's application should not be upheld. After consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing, the director shall serve notice in writing to the applicant of the director's findings and order. A timely request for a hearing stays the denial of the application. D. If the application is denied, the applicant may appeal the decision pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6. |