23-732. Annual notice to employer of contribution rate; procedure for review and redetermination; quarterly notification; notification by electronic means A. The department shall promptly notify each employer of the employer's rate of contributions as determined for any calendar year. The determination shall become conclusive and binding on the employer unless, within fifteen days after the mailing of notice of the determination to the employer's last known address or in the absence of mailing, within fifteen days after delivery of the notice, the employer files an application for review and redetermination, setting forth the employer's reasons for application for review and redetermination. The department shall reconsider the rate, but no employer shall in any proceeding involving the employer's rate of contributions or contribution liability contest the chargeability to the employer's account of any benefits paid in accordance with a determination, redetermination or decision pursuant to section 23-773, and determined to be chargeable to the employer's account pursuant to section 23-727, except on the ground that the services on the basis of which the benefits were found to be chargeable did not constitute services performed in employment for the employer and only in the event that the employer was not a party to the determination, redetermination or decision or to any other proceedings under this chapter in which the character of the services was determined. The employer shall be promptly notified of the department's denial of the employer's application, or of the department's redetermination, both of which shall become final unless within fifteen days after mailing or delivery of notification an appeal is filed with the appeals board. B. The department may give quarterly notification to employers of benefits paid and chargeable to their accounts or of the status of such accounts, and such notification, in the absence of an application for redetermination filed within fifteen days after mailing, shall become conclusive and binding on the employer for all purposes. A redetermination or denial of an application by the department shall become final unless within fifteen days after mailing or delivery of the redetermination or denial an appeal is filed with the appeals board. The redeterminations may be introduced in any subsequent administrative or judicial proceedings involving the determination of the rate of contributions of any employer for any calendar year. C. A notice under this section may be delivered by electronic means if the party being notified consents in writing to notification by electronic means. Notification by electronic means is deemed complete on transmission. |