22-202. Venue of civil actions A. The rules governing venue of civil actions in the superior court shall govern justice of the peace courts, and the word "precinct" shall be substituted for the word "county" wherever applicable. B. Actions against executors, administrators and guardians and against counties shall be brought in the precinct in which the county seat is located. C. Actions against persons who contract debts or obligations in one county and thereafter remove to another county in this state, and against persons who contract debts or obligations in one precinct of a county and thereafter remove to another precinct of the same county, may be brought in any precinct of the county in which such person is found, at the option of the plaintiff. D. Actions for collection of an account, enforcement of a contract or any other claim may be brought in the precinct where the account, contract or other claim was made or entered into, or where the defendant lives, at the option of the plaintiff. E. Actions filed in justice court against persons alleged to have committed civil traffic violations shall be brought in any precinct in which the violation is alleged to have occurred. |