20-343. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Board" means the workers' compensation appeals board established by section 20-367. 2. "Classification plan" means the plan or system that groups industries, occupations or operations with a similar exposure to loss into rate classifications for workers' compensation rating, rate making and statistical reporting purposes. 3. "Designated rating organization" means the rating organization selected by the director pursuant to section 20-371, subsection F. 4. "Designated statistical agent" means the organization designated by the director under section 20-371, subsection D. 5. "Experience rating plan" means a mandatory rating plan for all eligible insureds that establishes a workers' compensation rating procedure that compares the actual loss experience of individual insureds to the industry average for the same classification with differences reflected in the insured's premium. 6. "Schedule rating plan" means a rating plan by which an insurer increases or decreases workers' compensation rates to reflect the individual risk characteristics or the loss ratios of the subject of insurance. 7. "Statistical plan" means the plan, system or arrangement used in collecting workers' compensation data. 8. "Uniform plan" means a workers' compensation statistical plan, classification plan or experience rating plan designated by the director pursuant to section 20-371, subsection J. 9. "Uniform rate filing" means the rate filing that is made by the designated rating organization and that includes all of the workers' compensation rates to which insurers transacting workers' compensation insurance in this state shall adhere except as provided in section 20-359, subsection A. Uniform rate filing also includes the expected loss ratios, ballast factors and other factors promulgated by the designated rating organization for the uniform experience rating plan. 10. "Workers' compensation rates" means rates for workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance incident to and written in connection with workers' compensation. |