20-2534. Expedited medical review; expedited appeal A. Any member who is denied a request for a covered service may pursue an expedited medical review of that denial if the member's treating provider certifies in writing and provides supporting documentation to the utilization review agent that the time period for the informal reconsideration process and formal appeal process prescribed in sections 20-2535 and 20-2536 is likely to cause a significant negative change in the member's medical condition at issue that is subject to the appeal. The treating provider's certification is not challengeable by the health care insurer. A health care insurer whose utilization review activities consist only of claims review for services already provided is not required to provide its members an expedited medical review or expedited appeal pursuant to this section. A health care insurer who conducts utilization review of claims in connection with services already provided is not required to provide its members an expedited medical review or expedited appeal of a claim related to a service already provided. B. On receipt of the certification and supporting documentation, the utilization review agent has one business day to make a decision and mail to the member and the member's treating provider a notice of that decision, including the criteria used and the clinical reasons for that decision and any references to supporting documentation. If the member's complaint is an issue of medical necessity under the coverage document and not whether the service is covered, before making a decision, the agent shall consult with a physician or other health care professional who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19 or 29 or an out of state provider, physician or other health care professional who is licensed in another state and who is not licensed in this state and who typically manages the medical condition under review. C. If the utilization review agent affirms the denial of the requested service, the agent shall telephonically provide and mail to the member and the member's treating provider a notice of the adverse decision and of the member's option to immediately proceed to an expedited appeal pursuant to subsection E of this section. D. At any time during the expedited appeal process, the utilization review agent may request an expedited external independent review process pursuant to section 20-2537. If the utilization review agent initiates the expedited external independent review process, the utilization review agent does not have to comply with subsection E of this section. E. If the member chooses to proceed with an expedited appeal, the member's treating provider shall immediately submit a written appeal of the denial of the service to the utilization review agent and provide the utilization review agent with any additional material justification or documentation to support the member's request for the service. Within three business days after receiving the request for an expedited appeal, the utilization review agent shall provide notice of the expedited appeal decision as prescribed in this subsection. If the member's complaint is an issue of medical necessity under the coverage document and not whether the service is covered, any provider, physician or other health care professional who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 19.1 or 29 or an out of state provider, physician or other health care professional who is licensed in another state and who is not licensed in this state, who is employed or under contract with the utilization review agent and who is qualified in a similar scope of practice as a provider, physician or other health care professional who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 19.1 or 29 or an out of state provider, physician or other health care professional who is licensed in another state and who is not licensed in this state and who typically manages the medical condition under appeal shall review the expedited appeal and render a decision based on the utilization review plan adopted by the utilization review agent. Pursuant to the requirements of this subsection, the utilization review agent shall select the provider, physician or other health care professional who shall review the appeal and render the decision. If the utilization review agent, provider, physician or other health care professional denies the expedited appeal, the utilization review agent shall telephonically provide and mail to the member and the member's treating provider a notice of the denial and of the member's option to immediately proceed to the external independent review prescribed in section 20-2537. F. If the utilization review agent, provider, physician or other health care professional concludes that the covered service should be provided, the health care insurer is bound by the utilization review agent's decision. |