20-1111. Grounds for disapproval of forms A. The director shall disapprove any form of policy, application, rider or endorsement or withdraw any previous approval thereof only: 1. If it is in any respect in violation of or does not comply with this title. 2. If it contains or incorporates by reference any inconsistent, ambiguous or misleading clauses, or exceptions and conditions which deceptively affect the risk purported to be assumed in the general coverage of the contract. 3. If it has any title, heading or other indication of its provisions which is misleading. 4. If the purchase of such policy is being solicited by false, deceptive or misleading advertising matter, sales material or representations. B. The director may disapprove any proof of death or loss form only if it imposes unreasonable requirements, or is in violation of this title, or contains deceptive or ambiguous matter. C. The director may disapprove any advertising matter or sales material which is in violation of this title. |