17-335. Minors; blind residents A. A blind resident or a resident or nonresident under the age of fourteen years may fish without a license and shall be entitled to the same privileges as the holder of a valid license, except that such person shall be entitled only to one-half the legal bag and possession limit of trout. B. A resident or nonresident under the age of fourteen years may, without a license, when accompanied by a person eighteen years of age or older holding a valid Arizona hunting license, take wildlife, except big game species, during open season, but not more than two such children shall accompany a person holding such a license. C. No child under the age of fourteen may take big game unless the child has satisfactorily completed the Arizona hunter education course or another comparable hunter education course that is approved by the director. D. The proper license shall be required, except as otherwise specified by the commission, for taking of big game species. |