15-991. Annual estimate by county school superintendent of monies for ensuing year A. The county school superintendent, not later than August 1 each year, shall file in writing with the governing board of each school district in the county, the board of supervisors and the property tax oversight commission the superintendent's estimate of the amount of school monies required by each school district for the ensuing year, based on the budgets adopted by the governing boards of the school districts. The estimate shall contain: 1. A statement of the student count of each school district. 2. The total amount to be received for the year by each school district from the county school fund and the special county school reserve fund. 3. The projected ending cash balance from the previous year adjusted for encumbrances and payables for each school district as provided by the school district and as certified by the president of the school district governing board. A governing board may delegate to a superintendent, head teacher or business manager the authority to certify the projected cash balance. 4. The anticipated interest earnings for each school district. 5. Revenues equal to the amount included in the adopted budget for the maintenance and operation section of the budget permitted by section 15-947, subsection C, paragraph 2, subdivision (a), items (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) and subdivision (d). The county school superintendent shall subtract from each school district's budgeted expenditures the total amount of estimated revenues including the projected ending cash balance from the previous year adjusted for encumbrances and payables in order to estimate the additional amounts needed for each school district from the primary property tax and the secondary property tax. The county school superintendent shall certify such amounts to the board of supervisors and the property tax oversight commission in writing at the time of filing the estimate. When estimating the additional amount needed from the primary property tax for a school district that is not eligible for any equalization assistance as provided in section 15-971, the county school superintendent shall include the school district governing board's estimate of the increase in the revenue control limit as prescribed by section 15-948 for the applicable year, except that the percentage increase in average daily membership used to compute the estimated increase in the revenue control limit may not exceed the average of the percentage increase in average daily membership in the three years before the year for which the estimate is made. B. The county school superintendent shall recompute equalization assistance for education for each school district as provided in section 15-971, subsection A using the property values provided by the county assessor as provided in section 42-17052. The county school superintendent shall certify in writing the amount of equalization assistance for education and the amount needed for each school district from the primary property tax to the board of supervisors and the property tax oversight commission on or before the third day prior to the day the board of supervisors is required to levy school district taxes as provided in section 15-992. C. The county school superintendent shall compute the additional amount to be levied as provided in section 15-992, subsection B, using the property values provided in section 42-17052. The county school superintendent shall certify in writing the additional amount to be levied to the county board of supervisors and the property tax oversight commission on or before the third day prior to the day the board of supervisors is required to levy school district taxes as provided in section 15-992. D. On or before September 1, the governing board of a school district shall file with the county school superintendent an estimate of the amount of title VIII of the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 monies it is eligible to receive during the current year. On or before June 1, the governing board shall file with the county school superintendent and the superintendent of public instruction a statement of the actual amount of title VIII of the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 monies it received during the current year. This subsection does not apply to accommodation schools. E. The department may collect any other similar or related information from school districts that the department may determine is necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. |