15-872. Proof of immunization; noncompliance; notice to parents; civil immunity A. The director of the department of health services, in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction, shall develop by rule standards for documentary proof. B. A pupil shall not be allowed to attend school without submitting documentary proof to the school administrator unless the pupil is exempted from immunization pursuant to section 15-873. C. Each public school shall make full disclosure of the requirements and exemptions as prescribed in this section and section 15-873. D. On enrollment, the school administrator shall suspend that pupil if the administrator does not have documentary proof and the pupil is not exempted from immunization pursuant to section 15-873. E. Notwithstanding subsections B and D of this section, a pupil may be admitted to or allowed to attend a school if the pupil has received at least one dose of each of the required immunizations prescribed pursuant to section 36-672 and has established a schedule for the completion of required immunizations. The parent, guardian or person in loco parentis of a pupil shall present to the school administrator documentary proof of the immunizations received and a schedule prepared by the pupil's physician or registered nurse practitioner or a health agency for completion of additional required immunizations. F. The school administrator shall review the school immunization record for each pupil admitted or allowed to continue attendance pursuant to subsection E of this section at least twice each school year until the pupil receives all of the required immunizations and shall suspend a pupil as prescribed in subsection G of this section who fails to comply with the immunization schedule. Immunizations received by a pupil shall be entered in the pupil's school immunization record. G. Unless proof of an exemption from immunization pursuant to section 15-873 is provided, a pupil who is admitted or allowed to continue to attend and who fails to comply with the immunization schedule within the time intervals specified by the schedule shall be suspended from school attendance until documentary proof of the administration of another dose of each appropriate immunizing agent is provided to the school administrator. H. The provisions of subsections B, D and E of this section do not apply to homeless pupils until the fifth calendar day after enrollment. I. A school and its employees are immune from civil liability for decisions concerning the admission, readmission and suspension of a pupil that are based on a good faith implementation of the requirements of this article. |