15-797. Financial provisions for pupils in alternative education programs A. School districts may count pupils for daily attendance as provided in section 15-901 who are not actually and physically in attendance in a recognized common or high school but who are enrolled in and actually and physically in attendance in an alternative education program which is provided by any public body or private person and which meets the standards that the state board of education and the governing board prescribe for the course of study given in the common and high schools. B. The governing board of a school district shall prescribe procedures for verifying the attendance of pupils enrolled in an alternative education program which is provided by any public body or private person. C. The governing board may make payments for the cost of the education of pupils as provided in this article not to exceed the cost per student count as provided in section 15-824, subsection G. D. School districts operating alternative schools pursuant to this section and charter schools operating on approved alternative calendars pursuant to section 15-183 may count pupils as having attended full time in any week for which the pupil was enrolled in and physically attended at least twenty hours of instruction during that week. E. School districts operating alternative schools pursuant to this section and charter schools operating on approved alternative calendars pursuant to section 15-183 shall comply with the annual hours of instruction requirement pursuant to section 15-901. |