
12-1562. Duties of officer in execution; disposition of proceeds; rights of judgment debtor

A. An officer shall execute a general execution against the property of a judgment debtor by levying on a sufficient amount of property, if there is a sufficient amount of such property, and collecting or selling the things in action and selling the other property and paying to the judgment creditor or his attorney so much of the proceeds as will satisfy the judgment. Any excess in the proceeds over the judgment and costs shall be returned to the judgment debtor unless otherwise directed by an order of the court.

B. A judgment debtor may point out to the levying officer the property he desires to be levied on, and if the officer deems it sufficient to satisfy the execution, he shall make levy on no other property.

C. An officer shall execute the special execution by selling the property directed to be sold, or delivering the property directed to be delivered, as directed in the judgment, and by enforcing the collection of damages and costs as in a general execution.