Sec. 47.62.010. - Office established.
(a) The office of the long term care ombudsman is established in the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (AS 47.30.011 ).
(b) The ombudsman shall be hired by the authority. A member of the authority who has a financial interest in a long term care facility in the state, or who has any other conflict of interest, may not participate in the hiring of the ombudsman. The ombudsman is a full-time position in the classified service. The ombudsman shall be compensated at no less than Range 21 of the pay plan for state employees under AS 39.27.011 .
(c) The ombudsman may not have a financial interest in a long term care facility in the state. The authority shall adopt regulations to ensure that the ombudsman, and employees and volunteers of the office, do not have a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest.